Acolytes and Vergers
Lead the processional and recessional. Vergers assist the clergy by ensuring the church service runs smoothly. Acolytes assist the clergy at the Collect, during Holy Communion, and at other times. Both vergers and acolytes must attend a once-a-year training (one to two hours). Please contact the clergy or the church office if you are interested. All three services (7:30 am, 9:00 am, and 11:00 am) use a Verger. Acolytes serve at the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services. |
Lectors and Lay Readers
Lay Readers provide a special ministry during the Sunday service. They read from the Old Testament (First Lesson), the Psalms, and the New Testament epistles (Second Lesson). Each week, a lay reader shares God's Word with all present, thus leading the congregation on .a contemplative path that culminates with the Gospel and the Sermon. Should you feel a calling to be a Lay Reader, please contact our Parish Administrator, Kim Kalaman at the Church Office (941) 747-3709. |
The ushers of Christ Church are a dedicated group of men, women and young people who assist the priests in achieving an orderly, reverential ceremony. They assist the congregation in such a manner as will save time and avoid confusion. They assist at all regular Sunday services and such weekly and special services as requested by the Rector. Anyone interested in becoming an usher can contact the church office. New members are always welcome. |
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild’s main objective is to prepare for the worship services of the Church as directed by the Clergy. This does not end with the preparation of altars for Holy Communion but includes the care of linens, vestments, polishing all brass, etc. Membership is divided into groups to work on a one week a month basis. Altar Guild work itself can be considered as an oblation, a loving labor offered to God, not merely a chore that someone must accomplish. Those interested in serving on the Altar Guild should contact the church office. |
ContactChrist Episcopal ChurchOffice Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-4:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am-2:00 pm The Office will be closed in observance of Veterans Day on November 11, 2024. The Office will also be close for the Thanksgiving holiday on November 27th (noon) through November 29th. |
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